Wednesday, April 11, 2007

National Vote - Its a republic for a reason....

Great read.....

"I have my own theory about the "National Popular Vote" movement. I suspect it's another outgrowth of Bush Derangement Syndrome.

In 2000, Al Gore -- arguably -- won the popular vote. That means diddly, however, and everyone knew that going in (or, at least should have). I once ran the numbers, and discovered that, in theory, a president could be elected by a mere 12 votes.

That stuck in the craws of a lot of people who hated Bush, and would latch on to any excuse -- any -- to delegitimize his administration. Even this post facto, unconstitutional, undemocratic exercise in idiocy."

1 comment:

DemocracyAdvocate said...

The National Popular Vote effort is completely grounded in what's best for the future of our democracy, not the past. What's broken is that two-thirds of states are absolutely, completely ignored -- including nearly every small population state.